Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Celebrity "Socialite?"

Ok, so I can respect that some people just have a molecular pull around their person that mystifies everyone that comes into contact with them thus, attracting attention and making people absolutely love them. Thus is the case with Michael Jackson, the Obamas, Steve Harvey, Mary J. Blige, and even new comers like Keyshia Cole and Zoe Saldana. On the other hand, what I cannot wrap my head around is the stifiling success of celebrity socialites. Such is the case with the Amber Rose, the Kardashian sisters, video girls (or "models"), and worst of all women that just spend money. What is the logic? I do not understand why these women (and men too) dominate our show times, airwaves, and magazine folds when they have nothing to contribute to popular culture. Sure, they may have a mean shoe game, relations (often sexual) with pop culture's elite, and money to blow, but otherwise they do not possess any substance.
I just feel like if these people are going to get praise and I have to regard them as celebrities, they need to do something more with their time than pose for pictures. I pose that they go volunteer at a soup kitchen or children's hospitol, donate money or help out with "Go Green" initiatives. Start a social club for young girls that involve women empowerent, etiquette, and values, something! I am an avid reader of urban blog and I am just tired of seeing socialites as the highlight, day after day, eating lunch or spotted shopping in NYC. It's becoming a nusiance and I feel like these people need to do something with their lives, something purposeful.


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